Tardy Thanksgiving

This is tardy as it should have been posted a week ago.  But I had image upload issues that are still unresolved -  I'll make it up to you - Promise!
 Every year after we give thanks and stuff our bellies of hearty food with loved ones, my immediate family heads up to our cabin - built in the sixties by my very own bloodline - it certainly is a treasure. 

We go up frequently, but Thanksgiving weekend is a weekend I always look forward to.

all year
every year.
The rare weekends when it snows,
 are beautiful and magical

makes me wish it snowed year round

even after I shovelled the driveway
even after I had to (watch my dad) put chains on my car just to make it into the driveway
makes me wish I didn't forget my ski and snow gear at home

makes me grateful period (.)

Hope your feast was full of grace and warmth

Happy (tardy) Thanksgiving

Now... on to Christmas!


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