If you've seen my facebook page you already know it...
I purchased a pink (PINK!) Christmas tree.
(the happy couple)
here it is at home with my other trees (yes, its true, I have 3 indoors and one more outdoors)
I struggled this year because I've always been a 'fake' Christmas tree kinda girl (yes, I know many of us are on opposite sides of this argument but for the sake of Christmas and peace on earth, let's not argue!)...
(pardon the phone pic) |
Now that I'm a big girl and live in a big girl house, I actually need a big (er... larger) tree. And being the frugal girl I am, I am waiting for the after Christmas sales before I get one. So... in the mean time... I delayed and delayed and delayed getting a real (as in real life - not fake an real sized) tree.
Turns out my eyes were bigger than my living room and I purchased a behemoth and here it is, crammed into my living room corner with a permanant seat on my sofa.
(Again, pardon the phone pic) |
So... as for my big girl / big tree purchase next week.. I'm leaning towards a traditionally non-traditional tree (meaning: anything but evergreen). Some may argue down the road I may want to go more traditional... and I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it... but for now, I just want all of my Christmases to be like this: